7 Days in Captivity

After waiting for 2.5 years to come to Thailand with Coastal Maine Global Health, I finally made it here! 

Require special COVID health insurance, quarantine rules, vaccination card, multiple PCR tests to obtain official Certificate of Entry into the country. This is the special COVID screening section at the airport before you can go thru immigration or customs
Thailand takes COVID-19 very seriously.  They
require special COVID health insurance, quarantine rules, vaccination card, multiple PCR tests to obtain official Certificate of Entry into the country. This is the special COVID screening section at the airport before you can go thru immigration or customs
#No filter view from my “captivity” resort balcony 

#Nofilter Morning Walk on the beach. (Nota bene I.e. after 3 hours of walking to the nearest town and failing to find a Thai SIM card store. A man on motorcycle asked me if I needed a ride and where was I going. I said “Tesco” which is like Walmart/HEB/Costco here.  Realized I was lost and he probably thought I was crazy when I started walking uphill towards the trees and surprise, surprise there was no Tesco LOL) I later had to pay a taxi 50USD to go all the way across the island to the only mall with a SIM card store still open during COVID-19. 



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